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Itxita gaude. Abuztuaren 19an itzuliko gara, baina harremanetan jar zaitezke helbidearen bidez.
2024-2025 ikasturteko izena emateko epea zabalik . Argi baduzu, orain da matrikulatzeko unea, zure plaza bermatzeko! Aukera ezazu zure ikastaroa, inscripzio orria deskargatu eta bulegoan entregatu edo bidali iezaguzu posta elektronikoz Plaza gutxi geratzen dira.
This course is for high-level learners.
At the start of the year you receive a detailed course program and a bibliography of the material you will follow. Using up-to-date authentic material (books and audio), dynamic games, and online videos, games and sites, you will cover the key language objectives for your level. Our experienced native teacher is a specialist in high levels and follows a series of methods including, collaborative learning, task based learning, CALL (Computer Aided Learning), autonomous learning, Communicative Approach and Strategic Interaction, lively methods that involve plenty of movement and colour, especially appropriate for high level learners.
The course is a hybrid between a communicative course and an exam preparation course. Many learners take exams and the course will cover some exam simulation and preparation.
Apart from class, you will be invited to the social events that take place regularly throughout the year, so you will have plenty of opportunities to practise.
Even at this level, where progress can be elusive, you'll be amazed at how much you learn!

Datak: 2023/9/4 - 2024/5/20
Ordutegia: astelehena 16:30-17:55
Saioak: 33
Orduak: 46,75
Gehieneko ikasle kopurua: 12
Prezioa: + (60€ x 10 hilabeteak)

Cambridgeko matrikula

Gehiago ikasten

Teatro en Inishouse

Gehiago ikasten

Metodología Para niños

Gehiago ikasten

Stories and Fun 5-6

06 IRA 2024 – 30 MAI 2025
or. 16:35-17:30

Stories and Fun 7-8

06 IRA 2024 – 30 MAI 2025
or. 15:35-16:30

Stories and Fun 7-8

05 IRA 2024 – 29 MAI 2025
og. 18:00-19:00

Stories and Fun 8-9

03 IRA 2024 – 27 MAI 2025
ar. 15:35-16:30

Think English 9-10

04 IRA 2024 – 21 MAI 2025
az. 15:35-16:30

Think English 10-11

05 IRA 2024 – 29 MAI 2025
og. 15:35-16:30

Think English 11-12 Mon

02 IRA 2024 – 19 MAI 2025
al. 15:35-16:30

Think English 11-12 Wed

04 IRA 2024 – 21 MAI 2025
az. 16:35-17:30

Secondary Preintermediate Mon

02 IRA 2024 – 19 MAI 2025
al. 17:35-19:00

Secondary Preintermediate Tue

03 IRA 2024 – 27 MAI 2025
ar. 18:05-19:30

B1/PET Secondary Intermediate Thu

05 IRA 2024 – 29 MAI 2025
og. 16:35-18:00

B1/PET Secondary Intermediate Tue

03 IRA 2024 – 27 MAI 2025
ar. 16:35-18:00

B2/FCE Secondary Mon B2.2

02 IRA 2024 – 19 MAI 2025
al. 16:35-18:00

B2/FCE Secondary Tue

03 IRA 2024 – 27 MAI 2025
ar. 19:35-21:00

B2/FCE Secondary Wed

04 IRA 2024 – 21 MAI 2025
az. 17:35-19:00

B1 Intermediate / Cambridge PET

02 IRA 2024 – 19 MAI 2025
al. 19:05-21:00

B2 / Cambridge FCE

04 IRA 2024 – 21 MAI 2025
az. 19:05-21:00

C1 / Cambridge Advanced Thu

05 IRA 2024 – 29 MAI 2025
og. 19:05-21:00

Inishouse English Centre

Aralar 45
31870 Lekunberri
(34) 948 504 164
